Print Harvester Quick Reference Guide_v1.0

Print Harvester Quick Reference Guide_v1.0

Intelligent Shipper's Print Harvester Quick Guide

  1. Install Print Harvester; once the application has been installed a small icon will appear in the system tray which the user will need to select to complete. Right-Click on this icon and select Settings.
  2. Select the folder that will contain the file to be transferred.
  3. Enter the file extension of the file that will be scanned.
  4. Select the folder that will receive the API response.
  5. Input the extension of the response that will be saved on Message folder.
  6. The API response can be either XML, CSV, JSON, TXT.
  7. If Print Direct is selected, then a printer needs to be selected.
  8. Silent Print will print automatically once the labels are generated, a profile ID needs to be added. Please refer to the Silent Printing User guide for more information.
  9. API URL, no need to change this field.
  10. Enter API User ID.
  11. Enter password.
  12. Enter Account Code.
  13. Enter Import Profile.
  14. Import Action Print will print labels generated.
  15. Import Action Create will not print labels, this will only create shipments to be processed in Intelligent Shipper.
  16. Once all settings have been entered, click on save.
  17. Click on Run to start transferring files.
  18. To pause file transferring click on "Pause".

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