Automated File Import and Label Printing User Manual v3.0

Automated File Import and Label Printing User Manual v3.0

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The information contained in this document is confidential.  No part of this document may be reproduced, disclosed to any third party, or issued in any form or by any means without the express written permission of Intersoft Systems & Programming Ltd.

1. Document Controls
2. Table of Figures
3. Introduction
3.1. Process Diagram – Configuring Print Harvester and Silent Printing
4. Create CSV Import File
4.1. Create Bulk Mailing Template
4.1.1. Selecting fields for the Bulk Mailing Template
4.1.2. Adding a default value to a selected field
4.1.3. Bulk Mailing Templates
4.2. Test Import of Bulk Mailing Template
4.2.1. Upload New Data File
4.2.2. Data File does match the Upload Template
4.2.3. Bulk Mailing File Contains Errors
4.2.4. File Successfully Processed to Bulk Mailing
5. Label Options
5.1. Configuring Label Options
6. Silent Printing
6.1. Pre-requisites
6.2. Installing Silent Print Application
6.3. Configure Silent Print Application
6.3.1. Reset Settings
6.4. Selecting Silent Print Profile in Intelligent Shipper
6.5. Edit Silent Print Profile
7. Print Harvester
7.1. Installing Print Harvester
7.1. Configuring Print Harvester
7.1.1. Scan Settings
7.1.2. Response Settings
7.1.3. Printing Settings
7.1.4. API Information
7.2. Run Print Harvester
7.2.1. Application Log
8. End to End Test
9. Switching from Test to Live Environment
9.1. Uninstalling the Silent Print and Print Harvester Applications
10. Appendix 1 – Glossary
11. Appendix 2 – Quick Reference Guides
11.1. Quick Reference Guide - Add a Bulk Mailing Template
11.2. Quick Reference Guide - Upload New Data File
11.3. Quick Reference Guide – Silent Print Application
11.4. Quick Reference Guide – Print Harvester

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Add Bulk Mailing Template
Figure 2 - Field Selection for the Bulk Mailing Template
Figure 3 - Default Values
Figure 4 - Default Value for the Shipment Service Field
Figure 5 - Bulk Mailing Templates
Figure 6 - Example CSV (opened with notepad)
Figure 7 – Bulk Mailing Button
Figure 8 - Upload New Data File Button
Figure 9 - Upload New Data File Screen
Figure 10 - Upload file does not match error
Figure 11 - Errors on Data File
Figure 12- Error Column on Data file
Figure 13 - Print Labels from Bulk Mailing Screen
Figure 14 - Label Options Screen
Figure 15 - Download Silent Print Application Button
Figure 16 - Silent Print Download Window
Figure 17 - Windows Defender Message
Figure 18 - Run Silent Print Installation
Figure 19 - Silent Print Icon
Figure 20 - Silent Print Registration and Profiles Screen
Figure 21 - Silent Print Profile Successfully Registered Message
Figure 22 - Silent Print Settings and Printing Screen
Figure 23 - Reset Silent Print Settings
Figure 24 - Silent Printing Screen Select Profile Button
Figure 25 - Silent Print Profile Selected
Figure 26 - Edit Print Profile Button
Figure 27 - Edit Silent Print Profile
Figure 28 - Edit Silent Print Profile Fields Description
Figure 29 - Open Print Harvester Settings
Figure 30 - Print Harvester Settings Screen
Figure 31 - Print Harvester Scan Settings
Figure 32 - Print Harvester Response Settings
Figure 33 - Print Harvester Printing Settings
Figure 34 - Silent Print Profile ID
Figure 35 - Enter Profile ID in Print Harvester
Figure 36 - Copy Import Profile ID
Figure 37 - Enter Import Profile ID in Print Harvester
Figure 38 - Run and Pause Print Harvester
Figure 39 - Print Harvester Application Log
Figure 40 - Download Example CSV File for Bulk Mailing Template
Figure 41 - Silent Print Start Polling Selected
Figure 42 - Import File in Scan Folder
Figure 43 - Import File Successfully Processed and Moved to Response Folder
Figure 44 - Error File Created in Response Folder
Figure 45 - Error Response File
Figure 15 - Silent Print application in Uninstall or Change a Program list


The Print Harvester and Silent Printing functionality in Intelligent Shipper provides "on demand" file processing by automating file import and label printing. This functionality allows you tell the system where your order files are posted to so that they can be picked up by the system, processed automatically and the required labels printed automatically, without needing any manual input from the user.
This user guide explains how to configure the Intelligent Shipper system, Print Harvester and Silent Print applications to use this automated file import and printing process.

Process Diagram – Configuring Print Harvester and Silent Printing

The diagram below shows the process for configuring the Intelligent Shipper Print Harvester and Silent Printing functionality. The steps in this diagram are described in more detail throughout the document.

Continued on next page

Create CSV Import File

To configure the Intelligent Shipper system for automated file import and label printing, you will first need to create an import file in csv format. This can be done using the Bulk Mailing Template functionality in Intelligent Shipper.

  1. To create a new Bulk Mailing Template, login to Intelligent Shipper and navigate to Maintenance > Bulk Mailing Templates.
  2. Click "Add Template". This will then take you to the Add Bulk Mailing Template screen.

Create Bulk Mailing Template

Figure 1 - Add Bulk Mailing Template
To create a new template, complete the following steps in the Add Bulk Mailing Template screen:

  1. Enter a template name – this is a required field
  2. The sample file can be downloaded in the formats: CSV (Comma Separated), PIPE Separated and ASCII fixed length. Select CSV from the File Format drop-down list.
  3. Select the required template type from the 2 available options:
    1. Domestic
    2. International

Note: The International template has extra required fields.

  1. Select the Unit Weight from the 2 available options:
    1. KG(Kilos)
    2. G(Grams)
  2. Select the Unit Length from the 2 available options:
    1. CM(Centimetres)
    2. MM(Millimetres)
  3. Tick the "Share this template" box, as the template will need to be shared for it to work with the Printer Harvester application. This will make the template available to other users under your customer account.
  4. Select the "Information" button to display instructions on adding fields to the template. The section Selecting fields for the Bulk Mailing Template also contains more details on selecting fields for the template.
  5. All required fields must be selected by clicking on the field in the Available Fields list – this will move the field over to the Selected Fields list. A progress bar indicates if all required fields have been selected. This bar must be at 100% before a template can be saved.
  6. If a Conditional field is selected, then it will require other fields. I.e. Item Description requires item value and weight.
  7. Optional fields are truly optional, if they are not selected there is no impact to template functionality.
  8. A newly created Bulk Mailing Template may be saved once all required fields have been selected. Once you have added all the necessary fields to your Bulk Mailing Template, click "Save" to create the new template.
  9. Click on the back button to go back the Bulk Mailing Templates screen.

Note: If the "Back" button is selected without the template being saved, then the data will be lost.

Selecting fields for the Bulk Mailing Template

Figure 2 - Field Selection for the Bulk Mailing Template

  1. From the Available Fields table, as fields are selected these will move across into the Selected fields table.
  2. All required fields progress bar in the example above is now Green and 100% indicating the template can now be saved.

Adding a default value to a selected field

Figure 3 - Default Values

  1. A default value can be added by clicking on the icon in the image above. On clicking the icon, the Default Value option appears as below in the Shipment Service example.

Figure 4 - Default Value for the Shipment Service Field

  1. You can enter the default value in the field provided. This will then be output as example data when example csv files are downloaded for the template.

Bulk Mailing Templates

Figure 5 - Bulk Mailing Templates

  1. The recently created template will be displayed on the Bulk Mailing Templates screen. To download a sample file:
  2. Find your template
  3. Click on Example (CSV)

Figure 6 - Example CSV (opened with notepad)

  1. An example csv will be provided that can be updated with your shipments. The csv will contain an example row underneath the header row, and this example row will contain the default values you entered when the template was created.

Test Import of Bulk Mailing Template

Once you have created the Bulk Mailing Template and downloaded an example csv, it is recommended that you import the csv file into Intelligent Shipper manually to test that the file can be imported successfully.

  1. To run a test import of the csv file, first add a row of test data to the file and save in csv format.
  2. In Intelligent Shipper navigate to Shipment Processing and Select "Bulk Mailing".

Figure 7 – Bulk Mailing Button

  1. The Bulk Mailing Screen will open.

Upload New Data File
