Rate Card Setup Manual v1.0

Rate Card Setup Manual v1.0

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1. Document Controls
2. Table of Figures
3. Introduction
4. Agent Rate Cards
4.1. Tariffs
4.2. Assigned Agents
4.3. Service Enhancements
5. Customer Rate Card Setup
5.1. Tariffs
5.2. Customer Assignment
5.3. Service Enhancements

Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Add Rate Card
Figure 2 - Rate Card Details
Figure 3 - Selecting Destinations
Figure 4 - Tariff Configuration
Figure 5 - Add Agents
Figure 6 - Added Agents
Figure 7 - Add Enhancements
Figure 8 - Enhancement Configuration
Figure 9 - Added Service Enhancements
Figure 10 - Add Customer Rate Card
Figure 11 - Customer Rate Card Details
Figure 12 - Added Rate Cards
Figure 13 - Tariff Configuration
Figure 14 - Added Tariff
Figure 15 - Customer Assignment
Figure 16 - Add Enhancement
Figure 17 - Configuring Service Enhancements


The aim of this manual is to provide System Administrator users with the steps required to successfully add both Agent and Customer Rate cards and configure them suitably to ensure the correct billing for shipments created in Intelligent Shipper.

Agent Rate Cards

The system administrator will be required to configure the Agent Rate cards in order to calculate the amount that the system administrator will be charged via the agent for created shipments.
Once logged into Intelligent Shipper the process of adding and configuring an Agent Rate card can get underway.

  1. Firstly select the Maintenance tab from the left-hand menu
  2. Then from either the left-hand menu or from the main page menu, click the Agent Rate card menu
  3. This will then display any Agent Rate Cards which have been configured, select the 'Add Rate Card' button in order to begin adding a new Agent Rate Card

Figure 1 - Add Rate Card

  1. The next step will be input a name for the Rate card and select the denomination the Rate Card will be configured to from the drop-down menu which can be chosen from GBP, AUD, DKK, EUR, JOD, JPY, TES and USD

Figure 2 - Rate Card Details

  1. Once added any Agent Rate cards that have been added will now be displayed on the Agent Rate Cards screen, it will also display the Currency that has been selected, the date of creation and by whom and in the event a rate card is updated a time stamp and confirmation of who updated the Rate Card will be displayed
  2. Next select the Zoning tab
  3. Then select a shipment service that has been configured in the services maintenance screen that this Rate Card will be configured to
  4. Next input a Zone number that the Rate Card will be applied to
  5. Finally a descriptive name for this zone is required
  6. The new Zone will now be displayed underneath on the Zoning tab, selecting the new Zone will allow for this

Figure 3 - Selecting Destinations

  1. Clicking on a country from the right-hand menu will add this country to the countries configured to a Rate Card zone, in order to remove a country, simply click the trash can icon and this country will be moved across to the available countries
  2. The countries which have been added to the Rate Card will now be displayed on the Zoning Tab


  1. Next navigate to the Tariffs tab, any Tariffs which have been prior configured will be displayed here.
  2. Select the 'Add Tariff' icon in order to being configured the Tariff that shall be applied to the Agent

Figure 4 - Tariff Configuration

  1. Firstly, it will be required to confirm the date the Tariff should be active from
  2. Then a service to apply the Tariff will be required, selected via the drop menu or the search bar
  3. Once the shipment service has been confirmed, next it will be required to confirm what shipments content types are allowed from 'All Content Types', 'Non-Documents' or 'Documents'
  4. Now it will be required to set the pricing structure for this rate card, confirming if pricing will be calculated via the weight of an item, a price per unit or a fixed price for a set weight.
  5. A description of the Tariff can be added if required, this will then appear on the Tariff if inputted
  6. The final steps required to complete the Tariff configuration will be to confirm any surcharges that shall be applied for 'Non-Documents', 'High Value' and an 'On-forwarding' surcharge.
  7. Click the 'Add Tariff' button in order to apply this Tariff, alternatively clicking the 'Cancel' button will return the user to the Tariff tab

Assigned Agents

Once the Tariff setup has been completed it will be possible to assign the agents that will be used to deliver shipments.

  1. Firstly navigate to and select the 'Assigned Agents' tab from the top menu
  2. Then select the 'Add Agents' button

Figure 5 - Add Agents

  1. This will load the 'Assign Agent to Group' a search function
  2. Either type in the Agent you require or, alternatively select the 'Find Agent' button to reveal a drop menu of the available Agents that can be assigned to a Rate Card
  3. Select the checkbox of all the Agents that you wish to be assigned to the Rate Card group
  4. Once the required Agents have had their checkbox ticked, click the 'Add Agents' button in order to confirm the assignment of these Agents to the Rate Card Group
  5. The selected Agents will now be displayed on the 'Assigned Agents' tab
  6. In order to remove an Agent, click on the Bin icon and select 'Confirm' when the confirmation prompt launches

Figure 6 - Added Agents

  1. Additional Agents can be assigned or removed to this Rate card by repeating this process

Service Enhancements 

Certain Agents offer Service Enhances which are additional features that can be on top of their usual shipment service, for example some carriers will offer email or SMS notification at checkpoints during the shipment's lifecycle.

  1. In order to configure Service Enhancements for an Agent, firstly navigate to the 'Service Enhancement' tab displayed on the top menu
  2. Next select the 'Add Enhancement' button

Figure 7 - Add Enhancements

  1. This will reveal a menu from which the Service Enhancements can be configured

Figure 8 - Enhancement Configuration

  1. Firstly a shipment service must be selected, in the search bar either type in the required service or alternatively click the 'Select Service' button in order to reveal a drop-down menu of the available services
  2. Once a service has been selected, next click on the 'Enhancement' drop down menu in order to reveal a list of the available Service Enhancements, please note, in the event no Service Enhancements are available for an Agent, the 'Enhancement' it will not be able to select an Enhancement from the drop down menu
  3. Finally, the cost for using the enhancements is required to be inputted, to confirm the Service Enhancement and its costing, select 'Add Enhancement', alternatively selecting the cancel button shall return the user to the Service Enhancement tab
  4. Once the Service Enhancement has been added, it will be displayed on the 'Services Enhancements' tab and information will be provided as to the Service Enhancement, the Service it has been made available, the costing of using the Enhancement and an audit of whom added the enhancement and when
  5. In order to remove an enhancement, click the Bin icon and select 'Confirm' when the confirmation prompt launches, alternatively selecting cancel will return the user back to the 'Service Enhancements' tab

Figure 9 - Added Service Enhancements

  1. Additional Service Enhancements can be added or removed by repeating this process.

Customer Rate Card Setup

The system administrator will next be required to configure the Customer Rate cards. Customer rate cards will be used to confirm the pricing that their customers will be charged for shipments that have created within the Intelligent Shipper system. The next focus of this user manual will be the setup and configuration of the Rate Cards that will be applied to your chosen customers.

  1. In order to begin setting up a Customer Rate Card, firstly log into your Intelligent Shipper system, then from the left-hand menu select the 'Maintenance' tab, followed by the 'Customer Rate Cards' tab
  2. Next click the 'Add Rate Card' button

Figure 10 - Add Customer Rate Card

  1. Next a name for this Rate Card must be inputted and from the drop-down menu select a denomination you would like all values to be display in from GBP, AUD, DKK, EUR, JOD, JPY, TES and USD

Figure 11 - Customer Rate Card Details

  1. Click the 'Add Rate Card' button to confirm the adding of this rate card, alternatively clicking the 'Cancel' button will return the user to the Customer Rate card tab

Figure 12 - Added Rate Cards

  1. Any rate cards that have been added will now be displayed on the Customer Rate Cards screen, it will also display the Currency that has been selected, the date of creation and by whom and in the event a rate card is updated a time stamp and confirmation of who updated the Rate Card will be displayed
  2. Select a Rate Card in order to then begin configuring it
  3. The 'Rate Card' tab can be used to update the Rate Card name and currency if required


  1. Next, select the 'Tariffs' tab followed by the 'Add Tariff' button to launch a menu for configuring the customer Tariffs

Figure 13 - Tariff Configuration

  1. The step will be to select a date from which you would like the Tariff to be active from
  2. Then a Service must be selected from the services which have been configured in the services maintenance screen. Either input the service you wish to use into the search bar, alternatively, click the 'Select Service' button in order to launch a drop-down menu displaying the available services and click on the service that you would like to add
  3. Next the content types that you wish to be allowed to be shipped must be chosen from the 'Allowed Content Types' drop-down menu, one from the following must be selected, Documents only, Non-Documents only or All Shipment types
  4. Next the Tariff pricing type must be selected from the 'Tariff Type' drop-down menu, one from Weight pricing, Piece Per Unit pricing or Fixed Price per weight must be selected
  5. If required, a description for this tariff can be inputted into the 'Description' field which will then display on the main Tariff tab
  6. It can then be possible to input the surcharge pricing you would like (if applicable) for Non-Documents, High-Value items and an On-Forwarding surcharge
  7. Once inputted click the 'Add Tariff' button in order to confirm this Tariff, alternatively, clicking the 'Cancel' button will return the user to the Tariff screen with no updates applied

Figure 14 - Added Tariff

  1. The added Tariff will now be visible on the Tariff tab, displaying the chosen Service, Applicable Zone, Active Date, selected Allowable Shipment Content Type, Tariff Type, date of Creation and in the event of a modification, that date this occurred and by whom
  2. Clicking on a configured Tariff will enable editing or deletion
  3. Additional Tariffs can be added by repeating this process

Customer Assignment

Now the customer Tariffs have been configured, it will be possible to assign customer to these Tariffs.

  1. Firstly select the Assigned Customers tab from the top menu,
  2. Then click the 'Add Customer' button

Figure 15 - Customer Assignment

  1. A drop-down will be revealed, this will list all available customers. To assign customers to a group simply select the checkbox next to their name – multiple customers can be selected at a time
  2. Click the 'Add Customers' button to confirm the assignment of the chosen customers, alternatively, clicking the 'Cancel' button will return the user to the Assignment Customers page with no amendments made
  3. The Assigned customer(s) will now be displayed on the Assigned Customers tab, as well as the Customer Code, Customer name, Customer Town and Country, Phone number, Depot, Status, the date of creation and in the event of modification, when this occurred and by whom.
  4. It is possible to add further customers by repeating this process
  5. To remove an assigned customer, select the Bin icon and press 'Remove' when the confirmation prompt launches, alternatively clicking 'Cancel' will return the user to the Assigned Customer tab with no amendments made.

Service Enhancements

The final step for configuring customer Rate Cards, will be to confirm any service enhancements that you wish to make available.

  1. Firstly navigate to the Service Enhancements tab
  2. Then click on the 'Add Enhancements' tab

Figure 16 - Add Enhancement

  1. This will reveal a series of fields, firstly either type into the search bar the name of the service you are looking to add an enhancement for, alternatively, clicking the 'Select Service' button will launch a drop down menu of all configured services

Figure 17 - Configuring Service Enhancements

  1. Once a service has been selected, click the 'Enhancement' drop-down menu to display the available service enhancements available for a shipment service, in the event no enhancements are listed, no enhancements are available for this service
  2. Once an enhancement has been selected, it will then be required to input the pricing for using this enhancement
  3. Click the 'Add Enhancement' button to confirm the adding of the chosen service enhancement, alternatively, clicking the 'Cancel' button will return the user to the Service Enhancement tab
  4. Once added the Service Enhancement will be displayed in the Service Enhancement tab,
  5. Additional service enhancements can be repeated by repeating these steps
  6. To remove a Service Enhancement, click the Bin icon and select 'Remove' when the confirmation prompt launches, alternatively clicking cancel will return the user to the Service Enhancement tab with no amendments made.

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