Invoice Reporting v1.0

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The information contained in this document is confidential.  No part of this document may be reproduced, disclosed to any third party, or issued in any form or by any means without the express written permission of Intersoft Systems & Programming Ltd.

1 Document Controls
2 Table of Figures
3 Introduction
4 Un-Invoiced Shipment Report
4.1 Un Invoiced Shipment Report Fields
4.2 Un Invoiced Shipment Report Examples
5 Zero Priced Shipment Report
5.1 Zero Priced Shipment Report Fields
5.2 Zero Priced Shipment Report Examples
6 Re Price Shipments
6.1 Reprice Shipment Report Fields
6.2 Reprice Shipments Report Examples
7 Invoice Data Extract
7.1 Invoice Data Extract Report Fields
7.2 Invoice Data Extract File Example

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Reporting - Un Invoiced Shipment Report
Figure 2: Un Invoiced Shipment Report Screen
Figure 3: Un Invoiced Shipment Report Parameters
Figure 4: Un Invoiced Shipment report - CSV report fields
Figure 5: Un Invoiced Shipment report - PDF report fields
Figure 6: Reporting - Zero Priced Shipment Report
Figure 7: Zero Priced Shipment Report screen
Figure 8: Zero Priced Shipment report parameters
Figure 9: Zero Priced Shipment report - CSV report fields
Figure 10: Zero Priced Shipment report - PDF report fields
Figure 11: Reporting - Repriced Shipment Report
Figure 12: Repriced Shipment Report screen
Figure 13: Reprice Shipment parameters
Figure 14: Reprice Shipment report - CSV report fields
Figure 15: Reprice Shipment report - PDF report fields
Figure 16: Invoice Data Extract fields


This user manual will guide System Administrator users through generating the below invoicing reports from Intelligent Shipper.
Un Invoiced Shipment Report: The report shows all the shipments that have not been already invoiced and Shipments that are not cancelled so that the customers can be invoiced for the shipments that have been created and not invoiced.
Zero Priced Shipment Report: This report will show shipments that are automatically priced and are 0 priced due to having no rate card.
Re Price Shipments: This is the process to reprice the shipments that had pricing errors and have not been invoiced, manually priced or cancelled.
Invoice Data Extract: The Invoice data extract file will include customer pricing for shipments that have been system closed out (export state 60) and not included in a previous billing extract.
These reports are accessible to System Administrator user roles and will use the rate cards set up in the customer rate card and agent rate card screens.

Un-Invoiced Shipment Report

This report contains Shipments that have been closed out but have not yet been invoiced, are not cancelled and not included in a current invoice run.
To generate the Un-Invoiced Shipment report:

  1. Select Reporting> Un Invoiced Shipment Report on Intelligent Shipper

Figure 1: Reporting - Un Invoiced Shipment Report

  1. Un Invoiced Shipment report screen is displayed.

Figure 2: Un Invoiced Shipment Report Screen

The fields displayed on screen are:

Field Name

Field Description


Up to

Date until when the report must be generated - defaults to current date - dd/mmm/yyyy



Select the Customer the report will be generated for. Can Select one Customer or Select All


Rate Card

Select the rate card

Mandatory when the report is for all accounts

Include only Zero Price/Held Shipments

Check box


Report Format

List displaying PDF & CSV (display only CSV for All accounts)


Figure 3: Un Invoiced Shipment Report Parameters

  1. Select a date from the Upto date field
  2. Generate the report for all customers by leaving the customer field blank, or a select a specific customer. To select a customer either enter the Customer name and click search to find the specific Customer or leave the field blank and click search to select from the list of customers displayed.
  3. If a customer has not been selected (and so the report is being generated for all customers) then select a Rate Card from the list.

If a customer account has been selected the Rate Card field will be disabled.

  1. Leave the check box unchecked if the report needs to include all the Un-Invoiced shipments.
  2. Select Check box if the report needs to Include only Zero Priced/held shipments.

Note: Where the Check box is selected the report will include the following shipments only:

  • Shipment that do not have Tariff, i.e. shipments that that have not been correctly priced against a tariff or been manually priced at 0.
  • Shipments placed on the invoice hold

Where the only Zero Priced/held shipments check box is unchecked then the report will include all the Un Invoiced shipments.

  1. Select the report format.

Note: When a customer account is selected in the Customer field then the Report Format field will display PDF and CSV options. When a customer account is not selected in the Customer field then the Report Format field will only display CSV.

Un Invoiced Shipment Report Fields

See the table below for the Un Invoiced Shipment Report fields and the data to be populated in the report fields.
Un-Invoiced Shipment report – CSV report fields:

Field Name

Field Description


Populate the customer account number

Tracking number

Populate the shipment tracking number

Export Date

Shipping Date

Destination Town

Shipment Destination Town

Destination Country Code

Shipment Destination Country Code

Post code

Shipment Destination Post/Zip Code

Country Group

Shipment Destination Country Group


Shipment Service Code


No of Pieces in the Shipment

Chargeable weight

Chargeable weight = whichever is greater of the actual weight or volumetric weight

volume indicator

Shipment volume - Calculated from Dimensions (If Provided)


Type of Shipment

Invoice Status

Errored or Ready for Invoicing or Invoiced or selected for Invoice Run

Pricing Status

Displays Pricing status of the shipment - Priced or Unable to Price

Customer Rate Card

Customer rate card that was used to calculate the customer charge

Customer Zone

The zone assigned to the customer rate card that was used for the shipment.

Customer Charge

Customer Charge for the shipment

Customer Currency

Currency code of the currency the customer charge is provided in

Agent Rate Card

Agent rate card that was used to calculate the agent cost

Agent Zone

The zone assigned to the agent rate card that was used for the shipment.

Agent Cost

Agent Cost for the shipment

Agent Currency

Currency code of the currency the agent cost is provided in


Customer charge minus the agent cost - this gives the profit the system admin (Intersoft's customer) have made on the shipment

Margin %

The margin value as a % i.e. the percentage profit E.g. If the customer charge is £1 and agent cost is £0.50, the margin value if £0.50 and the margin percent is 50%This is the same as Gross Profit shown in the header of the View Shipment screen Pricing section

Figure 4: Un Invoiced Shipment report - CSV report fields

Un-Invoiced Shipment report – PDF report fields:



Un Invoiced Shipment Report

Report name


Location Date & Time

Field Name

Field Description


Shipment tracking number


Shipping Date


Account Number


Depot code


Document Type


Shipment weight


No of pieces in the shipment




Customer Charge




Agent cost


Customer Charge minus Agent Cost


The margin value as a % i.e. the percentage profit E.g. If the customer charge is £1 and agent cost is £0.50, the margin value if £0.50 and the margin percent is 50%This is the same as Gross Profit shown in the header of the View Shipment screen Pricing section.

Figure 5: Un Invoiced Shipment report - PDF report fields

Un Invoiced Shipment Report Examples

Zero Priced Shipment Report

This report displays shipments that are priced ad zero due to a pricing error, for an example the shipment not being assigned to a rate card.
The report will contain shipments that:

  • Have Not been invoiced
  • Have not been manually priced at 0.00
  • Have not been priced correctly against a zero priced tariff

To generate Zero Priced Shipment report:

  1. Select Reporting> Zero Priced Shipment Report

Figure 6: Reporting - Zero Priced Shipment Report

  1. Select Zero Priced Shipment Report option

Figure 7: Zero Priced Shipment Report screen

  1. Select a date from the Up to date field

Field Name

Field Description


Up to

Date until when the report must be generated - defaults to current date - dd/mmm/yyyy



Select the Customer the report will be generated for. Can Select one Customer or Select All


Rate Card

Select the rate card

Mandatory- when the report is for all accounts

Report FormatList displaying PDF & CSV (displays CSV only if all customer accounts are selected in the Customer field)Mandatory

Figure 8: Zero Priced Shipment report parameters

  1. Select all customers or specific customer by either entering the Customer name and click search to find the specific Customer or leave the field blank and click search to select from the list of customers displayed.
  2. Select a Rate Card from the list where all customers have been selected in the customers field above.

Note: By Default, and when a single customer account is selected, the Rate Card field is disabled.

  1. Select Report format.

Note: Where the report is for a single customer account and a single customer is selected in the customer field then the Report format field will display a PDF & CSV format for the report to be generated. Where the report is for all customers then the Report Format field will display only CSV format for the report to be generated.

Zero Priced Shipment Report Fields

Zero Priced Shipment Report Fields CSV report:



Zero Pricing report

Report name

Field Name

Field Description


Populate the customer account number

Tracking number

Populate the shipment tracking number

Export Date

Date Shipment exported

Destination Town

Shipment Destination Town

Destination Country Code

Shipment Destination Country Code

Chargeable weight

Total Shipment Chargeable weight


No of Pieces in the Shipment


Type of Shipment

Invoice Status

Errored or Ready for Invoicing or Invoiced or selected for Invoice Run

Rate Card

Customer rate card


Shipment service


Customer Zone

Figure 9: Zero Priced Shipment report - CSV report fields
Zero Priced Shipment Report Fields – PDF report:



Zero Priced Shipment report

Report name


Location Date & Time

Field Name

Field Description


Airway Bill Number


Shipment Date


Customer Account


Shipment destination


Chargeable weight - whichever is bigger of weight or volumetric weight


No of pieces in the shipment




Shipment Service




Invoice Status


Country Grp



Figure 10: Zero Priced Shipment report - PDF report fields

Zero Priced Shipment Report Examples

Re Price Shipments

The Zero priced shipment report generated in section 5 contains shipments with pricing errors. A System Admin user will need to update the customer and/or agent rate cards to correct the pricing errors displayed in the zero priced shipments report. Once these errors are corrected, the Reprice Shipments process will reprice all the shipments that have been closed out, not invoiced, not manually priced and are not cancelled, and will update the pricing of these shipments.
To Reprice a shipment: On Intelligent Shipper, Select Reporting> Reprice Shipment Report.

  1. Reporting page is displayed with Report options.

Figure 11: Reporting - Repriced Shipment Report

  1. Select Reprice Shipments Report option
  2. The Reprice Shipments Report page is displayed

Figure 12: Repriced Shipment Report screen

Field Name

Field Description


Reprice From

Date From when Shipments are selected for Repricing- DD-MMM-YYYY


Reprice To

Date till when the Shipments are selected for Repricing - DD-MMM-YYYY


Produce Error Report

Check Box


Report Format

List - CSV or PDF

Mandatory When Produce Error Report is checked

Figure 13: Reprice Shipment parameters

  1. Select Reprice From & Reprice to dates.
  2. When the Reprice, button is selected then all shipments matching the following criteria are Repriced.

Note: The Reprice Shipments process will reprice all the shipments that have been closed out, not invoiced, not manually priced, and are not cancelled, and will update the pricing of these shipments.

  1. Where the user checks the Produce Error Report check box then the Report Format field is enabled where user can select the report format PDF or CSV and select Reprice button. An error reports is generated as per the format selected.

Reprice Shipment Report Fields

Reprice Shipment Report Fields – CSV report:

Field Name


Tracking Number

Shipment Tracking Number


Shipment Date


Shipment Town


Shipment Country



Rate Card

Customer Rate Card


Customer Zone


Shipment Service

Figure 14: Reprice Shipment report - CSV report fields

Reprice Shipment Report Fields – PDF report:



Re Price error report -

Displays date range selected


Location Date & Time the reported was printed

Field Name



Customer Name

Acc NO

Customer Account number

Tracking Number

Shipment tracking number


Shipment Date

Description of error

Error message

Figure 15: Reprice Shipment report - PDF report fields

Reprice Shipments Report Examples

Invoice Data Extract

This process is to extract billing data for shipments that have been closed out and have not been extracted for billing before. This is configurable, and once configured runs automatically on a daily basis; the Invoice Data Extract is not generated from the GUI. The data extract is exported in CSV format to an SFTP location that will be provided by Intersoft.
The invoice data extract contains the total customer charge of the shipments included in the report. Once a shipment has been included in the invoice extract the pricing cannot be edited, but pricing service enhancements can be added. Any pricing service enhancements added to a shipment after it has already been invoiced will be included in the next invoice data extract. 

Invoice Data Extract Report Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Account Name

Customer Account Name

Account Code

Customer Account Code


Shipment Date -DD/MM/YYYY

Tracking Number

Tracking Number

Shipper Reference

Shipper Reference

Service Code

Service Code

Destination City

Shipment Destination City

Destination Postcode

Shipment Destination Postcode

Destination Country Code

Shipment Destination Country Code

Country Group



Indication of whether the charge is vatable or not. Determined by the 'VAT Type' field in the Country screen for the destination country


Number of pieces in the shipment

Chargeable Weight

Whichever is greater of weight or volumetric weight

Charge Description

A description of the type of charge, e.g. shipping, service enhancements. No defined list

Total Charge

Customer charge


Currency code of the currency for the charge


Currency code of the currency for the charge

Figure 16: Invoice Data Extract fields

Invoice Data Extract File Example