How To: Reset my Password

How To: Reset my Password

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to Intelligent Shipper Login page.
  2. Click on Forgot Password link, user will be navigate to Forgot Password screen.
  3. Enter Email Address which is Register with Intelligent Shipper Application.
  4. Click on Reset Password Button, Which will display Confirmation message.
  5. An Email will be sent to the Email address provided with the Reset Password Button.
  6. You will be required to click the Reset Password Button.
  7. You will be navigated to Reset Password Screen.
  8. Enter new password and Confirm same password. 
  9. Click on Set Password. If password reset successfully, user will be Logged in to the Intelligent Shipper, or an appropriate error message will be displayed
  10. Upon successful password reset, user will receive confirmation email.