How To: Create a Shipment Request and Decode the Base64

Creating a shipment API request for IShipper and receiving a response, decoding the Base64 to produce a label.


  1. Open Postman and create a shipment request for API 1.6
  2. Be sure to change the shipment date to the current date - as this will cause an error. 
  3. An example request is listed:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    			<shipperAddressLine1>Ebnal Bank Farm</shipperAddressLine1>
    			<shipperPostCode>SY14 8JE</shipperPostCode>
    			<shipperDeptCode>4 ITEMS</shipperDeptCode>
    			<shipperContactName>CONTACT NAME</shipperContactName>
    			<destinationCounty>North Yorkshire</destinationCounty>
    			<destinationPostCode>LS25 6HJ</destinationPostCode>
    			<destinationContactName>Demo Contact</destinationContactName>
    			<itemDescription>quick little testabaroo</itemDescription>
    			<itemDescription>Oliver Test Single Variation</itemDescription>
    			<itemDescription>TEST PRODUCT - DO NOT BUY</itemDescription>
    			<descriptionOfGoods>quick little testabaroo|Oliver Test Single VariationTest1|TEST PRODUCT</descriptionOfGoods>

4. Ensure a response is received

5. Within the label image section of the response there will be a Base64, this needs to be decoded.

6. Go to: and paste in the label image Base64 

7. Be sure to select decode the data from a base64 string and export as, change this to pdf

8. Click convert and a pdf will opt to open.